1st Annual Pig Roast for Homeless Veterans
1st Annual Pig Roast for Homeless Veterans
November 11, 2022
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST

Event Description:
Northwoods Veterans Homestead, Ltd. (NVH), is a local nonprofit organization established by local Veterans and community members. Our mission is to help homeless veterans regain self-sufficiency through supportive services including, but not limited to, food, shelter, case management, health and wellness, and employment assistance. In 2019, the State of Wisconsin had 336 homeless veterans. In 2021, Oneida County had 5 homeless veterans and the numbers go up by adding counties. NVH will serve all homeless veterans. Resources in rural areas such as ours can be hard to come by. Our organizational goal is to bring resources together for homeless veterans by coordinating services based on each client’s personal needs while providing free temporary housing. Our long-term goal is to create a tiny home village, Veterans community center, market, garden, and outdoor memorial gathering space. Currently, fundraising for Phase I has begun. Phase I: • build community relationships • purchase real estate • work with architects to develop a site plan and blueprints • secure partners to donate/build tiny homes via specification NVH needs to raise $100,000 for the purchase of five or more acres in the Rhinelander area in order to begin infrastructure planning and implementation. We are seeking monetary donations to reach this goal. We also need tangible items and services to put together for fundraising events. A goal like this is truly a community effort and made possible only because of support from our local businesses, organizations and individuals. As a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status, all donations to NVH are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided. Please visit our website at www.northwoodsveteranshomestead.org for more information. Our webpage can currently receive emails and donations. In the near future you will be able to see partnerships, donors, events, even sign up for volunteer work and much more. NVH is excited to network with you and hope our relationship will lead to an ongoing commitment for this worthwhile project.