RACC Business Education Series: Financing Your Business 101
RACC Business Education Series: Financing Your Business 101
July 27, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT

Event Description:
Learn Financing Your Business 101 from Patrick Gatterman, director of WI's Small Business Development Center. Discussion will cover lending options, requirements to obtain money, and debt vs. investors though he very much tailors the discussion to the audience.
As an added bonus, Patrick plans to stay the afternoon to provide confidential business consulting in 30 minute blocks (must pre-register). Take advantage of this amazing opportunity, whether you are starting up, growing, or struggling this Business Education Series Class will provide some amazing insights for your small business! (Topics to discuss could include but are not limited to: business feasibility, business plan creation, business formation, update/review of current business plan, human resources, cyber security management, organizational review, quickbooks training, financial projections, budgeting assistance, hiring, analyzing market opportunities, competitor analysis, target market research, industry trends, or social /digital media assistance.)
*No previous classes are required to take this class.
This class is completely free for chamber members ($15 for non-members). Attendees must pre-register by emailing Rachel@rhinelanderchamber.com with name, phone, and business. This class is only available in person. Limited seating is available.
This class is completely free for chamber members ($15 for non-members). Attendees must pre-register by emailing Rachel@rhinelanderchamber.com with name, phone, and business. This class is only available in person. Limited seating is available.