RACC Business Education Series: Put Your Best Foot Forward
RACC Business Education Series: Put Your Best Foot Forward
March 30, 2023
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM CDT

Event Description:
Learn the 10 golden rules for personal branding from Ellen Mathein, Nicolet College's Dean of Business and Entrepreneurship. A positive personal brand instills confidence, influences others and drives you to success. This is a practical, hands-on workshop to help you be your professional best.
Come early or stay late to get your headshot taken for free from Heather Collins Photography!
*No previous classes are required to take this class.
This class is completely free for chamber members ($15 for non-members).
* * Attendees must pre-register by emailing assistant@rhinelanderchamber.com with name, phone, and business. This class is only available in person. Limited seating is available.
Come early or stay late to get your headshot taken for free from Heather Collins Photography!
*No previous classes are required to take this class.
This class is completely free for chamber members ($15 for non-members).
* * Attendees must pre-register by emailing assistant@rhinelanderchamber.com with name, phone, and business. This class is only available in person. Limited seating is available.