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The 4 C's of Successful Grants at Nicolet College

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Name: The 4 C's of Successful Grants at Nicolet College
Date: April 17, 2023 - April 18, 2023
Event Description:
About the Course: Have you ever wondered about how to obtain funding for your small business? Are you a woman-owned business or are you a veteran? These two specific factors, as well as many others, may qualify you for special funding to start or expand a business venture.

This two-day course covers finding funding; planning grant applications; the peer review process; developing concept papers and problem statements, and writing techniques to enhance your funding applications. The curriculum will include information on how to align a proposed project with the funder’s mission to improve the opportunity for success. Concepts presented through the training will be reinforced by hands-on exercises, group discussions, and interactions designed to complement learning.

The primary goal of this course is to develop successful grant writers who are prepared to move smoothly from writing to implementing their programs and projects. The training is for individuals and teams from a business, as well
as from an agency, organization, or department.

Performance Objectives
  1. Learn what the 4 C's of successful grants are and how to apply them to your fund-seeking efforts
  2. Define ways to strategically look for funding
  3. Describe how the peer review process works
  4. Identify approaches to writing proposals using enhanced writing skills
  5. Develop SMART objectives and clearly describe associated implementation activities
The Center for Innovative Change, LLC provides training and consulting services to support leadership development and enhance an organization’s capabilities.

Our experienced team specializes in crime prevention, grant management, leadership skills development, strategic planning, and security assessment.
Using innovative ideas and practices, CIC’s services promote change through positive action.

Registration Information
The course is $350 per participant.
Pre-registration required.
Register at:

For more information, contact:
Jodi Fox Engleman
Manager of Professional & Continuing Education
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