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Women in the Work at Nicolet College

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Name: Women in the Work at Nicolet College
Date: May 23, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
Event Description:
About the Course:
Women have many opportunities today to explore their interests and make their mark in the workplace. However, women can also be faced with unique challenges and barriers. There are key components that can contribute to defining and achieving success. Once mastered, these essential skills may impact positive personal and professional achievements. 

This one-day course covers the participants' ability to enhance their leadership and communication skills. The lessons learned are reinforced through group activities, discussions, and problem-solving scenarios. The training is for individuals and teams of women interested in ways to improve their ability to build the self-confidence needed to thrive in the workplace.

May 23
9 am - 4:30 pm

Performance Objectives
  1. Define Emotional Intelligence: what it is and why it is important for professional development
  2. Differentiate between disagreements and disagreeable people and identify effective approaches for managing both types
  3. Analyze leadership styles and list leadership competencies
  4. Create a personal assessment plan for leadership skill development
The Center for Innovative Change, LLC provides training and consulting services to support leadership development and enhance an organization’s capabilities.

Our experienced team specializes in crime prevention, grant management, leadership skills development, strategic planning, and security assessment.

Using innovative ideas and practices, CIC’s services promote change through positive action.

Registration Information
The course is $175 per participant. Pre-registration required. Register at:

For more information, contact: Jodi Fox Engleman Manager of Professional & Continuing Education 715.365.4694 
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